Birth of 18 Wheel Empire Blog

I’ve decided to add a blog for 18 Wheel Empire. This will make it easier to keep announcements organized and link back to previous information when necessary. You can now follow announcements using an RSS feeder, Facebook, or Google Plus. You can leave feedback in the comments section of individual posts, or on either social media outlet.

Ultimately all updates will be placed in a post here, and then the link shared on the social media outlets. By adding all information to the blog I will be able to better organize it. This will mean that interested parties who join the communities can get up to speed on where I am in the process of development simply by visiting the blog.

As the community grows and conversations take place both on-line and out of the digital realm, I will make an effort to keep this website up to date with the latest information available for public consumption. In addition, I will be posting back dated updates from some of the messages I’ve posted already on the social media outlets.

You can help me in this project currently by liking us on Facebook, or join us on Google+ and tell your friends about both communities as well as the site. Ultimately feed back in the data collection process is going to be a big deal, and the more people involved the better!


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